They Look Like Me !
If you haven't noticed, a lot of the family parties we have on the mother's side have only some resemblance to each other. After all my several of my cousins are bald.
However, if you will notice that Kursten, Karin, and Thor look a lot like me so naturally they are winners in my book.
Kirsten, Thor, and Karin (with husband Erik on her right)
A few notes about each one of my cousins:
I am actually a few weeks older than Kursten, but she was a year ahead of me in school. Frankly, that always bothered me and it took me years of therapy to get over it.
Fortunately, her sister, Karin, went to the same college as me which was real nice. Especially when I wanted to date girls in her sorority.
Thor has always looked the same to me. He has just gotten bigger each time I have seen him. I am not sure where it gets his height since both of our fathers were by no means tall men.
A word test:
Now, say the following real fast 3 times:
Thor Forsberg, Thor Forsberg, Thor Forsberg
A real mouth full, indeed. Especially since in high school his football numbers was 44. Now, say that 3 times faster:
The ball carrier was, number forty-four, Thor Forsberg...
Ok, more pictures of the little people