Sue's New Home - What A Difference A Year Makes !
This summer we had our national sales meeting in Los Angeles. Therefore, I was able make another stop in Arizona for a trip to see my sister, Sue, and her husband, Todd.
As you may recall, Sue and Todd moved to Arizona in the summer of 2001. Therefore, by this time, they had their home built and were more familiar with the area. You can see the web page I made about my trip last year .
For Sue, this meant she was very familiar with Zayer, A&P, Venture, and a multitude of flee markets in the area. We were able to stay in her house for a week.
The next series of pages will go through just what is it like to live in Arizona and specifically at Sue's house.
I hope you enjoy them, so please proceed on and follow along....Sue's & Todd's New Home - Best Features !