A Fish Out Of Water - Sue & Todd Return To Chicago
This Christmas season, Sue and Todd returned from their new home in Arizona. We also had our annual Christmas party and the weather was bitterly cold. This provided another wonderful opportunity for some good content.
The best thing about this web page is that I can use it as a forum to make fun of my brothers and sisters and there isn't a god damm thing they can do about it. Sure, they could call me up and express their dislike, however, in the interest of journalism and free speech, and my self proclaimed righteousness, my opinions need to be heard. Besides, to make playful fun of my family, all I need to do is bring my digital camera, snap off some real unbecoming pictures and then post them for the world to see.
So, as I said, my sister Sue was back from Arizona. The first thing to know about Sue is that she complains a lot which you may know if you saw my original page about my trip to Arizona.
I don't know how Todd has managed to put up with her all of these years.
Sue on the weather.....
"Oh God, it is so cold here..... my body can't take this cold......"
Now, considering the fact that Sue lived in Chicago for 15,333 days (not including leap years) and about 90 days in Arizona, I can't see how she came to this conclusion.
However, the hot and dry weather can have some harmful effects on one's skin. Follow this link to see what the weather can do to a person's skin in such as short period of time.