Continuing On To Arizona

Sue and Todd were kind enough to pick me up at the airport which was a nice thing to do. After all, since the economy has gone down and my portfolio has, shall we say, made an adjustment, I was able to save on the cab fare.

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Todd took the wheel and Sue sat in the backseat.

A few comments about Sue....

As you can tell, Sue has not spent much time in the Arizona sun.  This is rather ironic, since before the move, Sue said she could not stand the heat in Chicago and Arizona had "dry" heat - so she could spend more time outside.

  We expected her to roast in the sun like lizard and quickly develop leather like skin.

 Sue lived in Chicago for 40+ years (and they were hard years, I may add)  I found that just a little strange that she would suddenly develop this distaste for Chicago weather.  However, what is even more puzzling is that she move 1500 miles west and still chooses to stay inside.


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Lindsay and Matt also flew into town. 

Matt tried, unsuccessfully, to look cool by talking on the cell phone to his friends back in Chicago.


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Traffic -

True to form,  Sue began to complain about the traffic since I landed in Arizona at about 5:00 PM. I could just hear Todd saying "for God's sake, just deal with it .... 15+ years of marriage, 1500 miles from Chicago, and nothing changes...."

Really, we were all real happy to see each other.

See Sue and Todd's House