Jasmine The Fisher Girl
I am fortunate to say that my daughter, Jasmine, really likes to fish. What is interesting is that she only likes to fish with me alone. I personally think its because she wants to claim all of the prize money for the day, but maybe on occasion she wants to spend time with me alone. Since it involves fishing, I welcome her company!
I wanted to create this page about Jasmine's fishing adventures since she really likes it.
Here is a nice one of Jasmine with a large catfish on the end.
I especially like this photo since Jasmine, completely on her own, put a shrimp on the end of the hook and casted it out. I was turned in the other direction when all of the sudden I heard her say, "I got one !"
Jasmine always likes to have her photo taken with every fish. No matter how small, she wants a photo. These were taken in the fall when there are a more smaller trout around.
I especially like the fact that Jasmine was wearing her pajamas when fishing. It may have looked a little different, but I bet she was comfortable.
A nice one with her Uncle Matt.
A few weeks ago, I took both Jasmine and Trevor out. It was a slow day except for the puffer fish. Of course, after a few explosions on the boat (which were a result of Trevor placing a live shrimp on Jasmine's head two different times while she was resting) the kids began to get along. Together, Jasmine and Trevor were "site fishing" the puffer fish.