Little Rigs Welcome

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My father in law, Andy, and his family (Elvie, Alex, and Andrew) recently purchased a new pop-up camper.  We are all really excited about this since we enjoy spending time together and spending it camping will be even better.

I have included some photos and commentary of their first day with the camper. 

 Andy and I took this opportunity to practice backing up a trailer.    The shorter the trailer, the harder it is to back up since the trailer will jackknife on you if you turn and back-up too aggressively. 


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Andy getting ready to back up in my drive way.  I was deeply concerned that I might lose my mail box in the process.


Of course, backing up can result in an explosive situation between your and your domestic partner.  If your marriage is not on stable grounds, then I urge you to bring in a third party to help with this part of camping.  


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Andy getting ready with Elvie in the back.  


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Of course, after several attempts, Elvie suggested Andy keep his day job as an engineer and not consider getting a truck driving job.  As I predicted, she was ejected from the car.


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Elvie was sent to the garage where she quickly became disinterested in helping with the trailer.


Fortunately, Elvie and Andy have a real good marriage and all was  quickly forgotten. In fact, we were having so much fun that, to my embarrassment, I forgot to take a picture with the camper fully extended and set up.  Nevertheless, you could just see how excited they were to get ready and go !


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A Happy Ending !

Camping brings families together !