

This page is also linked to Parker and Trevor's birthday party.

I believe the Piñata tradition originates from Spain.   Here is what I find interesting.  At a very young age, we string up a paper-mâché animal, line up the children, and give them baseball bat.  The children then proceed to beat the animal with a stick.  In the process, several limbs are broken off and the animal swings helplessly from side to side. All of the children get a chance to beat the animal and cheer each other on until the animal spills its guts.  

What do you think the Animal Rights movement think of Piñatas ?

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Here is a picture of the customary beating the piñata !

pinata.JPG (59997 bytes)

As you can see by the length of the line, each child wanted an opportunity to beat the piñata senseless !

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