Spring Vacation - My Quarterly Fleecing By The Wisconsin Dells


Once again, we traveled to the cultural mecca of the United States - the Wisconsin Dells.   The spring, we stayed at the Wilderness Resort in the Dells.  In previous trips we stayed at the Kalaharie and Great Wolfe Lodge.  Each one has its advantages and all three are real nice. 

Well, we took Alex and Andrew again since they can be a real help when we go on vacation,. They are also real good kids and I enjoy their company.  I hope you enjoy my pictures as I think some of them turned our real nice.

I have broken up this trip in several pages to make the download times easier.  Also, where noted, I have inserted video content as well.

Getting Ready - A Thursday Morning:

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The gang getting ready to go !

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For God's sake, how much stuff do we really need to bring along !


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A few nice pictures just before we got started.

Continue on to our Adventures In Wilderness