Getting Started

Ok, the first thing you need to know is that I am not mechanical at all.  This was documented in one of my first pages I created on called "If Your Tools Are Yellow."

So, I called my father-in-law, Andy to help me.  Or, more correctly, effectively install the hitch while I fetched him a beer or turned a wrench or two.


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Oh, can you just feel the power. 

I was sporting wood just looking at this thing !


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Step #1 - Read The Instructions - as my father-in-law, Andy, clearly illustrates

The instructions are very well documented - although some of the pictures appear to be slightly out of order.


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A picture of the hitch, when first positioned on my hitch. 

It will later be permanently mounted into the trailer.


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You then have to latch it to the hitch post.

This is not the technically correct term, but this is not designed to be the installation manual.

The next step - Grease My Balls